Privacy Policy
At this time, PixlPal does not collect any personal information from its users. We do not use cookies or similar technologies, and we do not share any information with third parties. PixlPal is committed to protecting the privacy of its users, and we do not retain any information that could be considered personal under applicable privacy laws in Ontario, Canada.
Terms of Service
- PixlPal is provided "as is", and we are not responsible for any damage or harm caused by the use of our app.
- The scope of PixlPal is limited to sampling screen colors and copying that information to the clipboard.
- There are no restrictions on who can use PixlPal, but users must comply with all applicable laws and regulations in their jurisdiction, including in Ontario, Canada.
- PixlPal can be accessed and used by downloading it from the Github repository (, or once approved, from the Apple App Store.
- PixlPal is free to use and does not require any payment.
- Users are responsible for ensuring that PixlPal does not cause any issues on their system.
- Users are not allowed to alter the code of PixlPal.
- There are no prohibited uses of PixlPal at this time.
- We do not hold any trademarks for PixlPal.
- Any disputes with users or between users will be handled via email at
- These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the province of Ontario, Canada, and any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be resolved exclusively by the courts of Ontario, Canada.
- We reserve the right to terminate a user's access to PixlPal if they violate any of these terms and conditions.